This morning, Bob had a female Sparrowhawk zap a Blackbird in his garden. The other day up in the garden at the top of the hill there were 9 Song Thrushes out prodding around on the lawn looking for worms. On the bird table this afternoon, a young Robin was casing the bird table for future forays when hungry....Spent some time with James later on this afternoon, checking that we have covered all angles for our trip down to the Bird Fair at Rutland. Just 3 jobs to do tomorrow and on Tuesday and we should be all ready for the off on Wednesday morning. So if you are going to the Bird Fair next weekend, come round to the Islay stand where you can get a taste of Islay hospitality. The main raffle prize this year will be a cottage for 4 to come and visit while our geese are here with Calmac providing free travel over to Islay from Kennacraig, this will be drawn on Sunday afternoon. We will also be holding a smaller daily draws with Maramedia kindly giving us a couple of copies of the first program of the recent "Hebrides, Island on the edge" and also C & E Roy has given us "Islay monopoly" for someone else to win, so make sure to come along and enter...
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